Friday, April 20, 2007

Laugh Out Loud? No - seriously!

Maybe its because a week's vacation is beckoning me? (and I really need it even though its nothing exotic) Maybe its because Robyn McMaster salutes the mature mind here? Perhaps its due to a chapter on laughing in Dan Pink's book "A Whole New Mind" about right-brainers ruling the future world (brief review) ? Or how about David Armano writing on old brains? It could be just because I want to laugh.

Robyn lists these tactic to increase serotonin via Dr. Ellen Weber at BrainBasedBusiness. Serotonin is a fancy word for connections between your brain and nervous system that make you feel good!

  • Stop to smell the coffee brewing
  • Listen to your favorite music on your way to work
  • Laugh at everything today -- especially at yourself
  • Look at art around you as the artist might enjoy it
  • Go for a walk at lunch
  • Invite an old friend for dinner
  • Give away one of your most successful strategies to a fellow worker
  • Stretch...move...breathe deeply
  • Remember a time when you were good to you - and repeat it
  • Snack on trail mix or something for good energy
  • Tell a story or invite one from a younger, less-confident worker
  • Plan one thing you most enjoy to do today after work
This morning - knowing the day before vacation is busier than most - I determined to have fun with it. Put on the coffee, inhaled deeply, and stepped into the morning air. My walking partner, another Bob, have practiced laughing for no reason whatsoever. It works - try it...c'mon...loud enough for somebody to hear. It works!

Our organizations can function better. Our communities can grow. Our humanity can flourish.

Those of us with lists of stuff to do, with plans, with appointments, with deadlines and demands...wait a sec! - thats all of us. We'd all do well and remember to exercise a couple of these tactics. What a great day!

Not that I'm an expert...Drs. Kataria are the ones to visit.